Inspiring Workers to Study PL’s Ideas
Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 11:14AM

Each week, without exception, our PLP club meets as an active study group. We’ve already discussed the political economy documents and the majority of 2011 Challenge editorials. A new member has transcribed “Towards a New Communist Movement.”  We’ve also discussed “Reform and Revolution.”
Our objective is not only to understand and discuss the Party’s ideas, but also to revise and re-edit documents to put forward revolutionary ideas clearly, in writing as well as in conversation.
We recently showed  “Road to Revolution IV” (our Party’s ideas) to a militant fighter focused on reformist and pro-socialist ideals and projects. He said he wasn’t convinced we should reject the socialist and reformist ideas and instead fight for communism and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
PLP aims to destroy the entire capitalist system, that much was made clear. It’s not important how intellectually equipped our opponents may be. There is no argument that can trump our Party’s politics.
We invited a worker and his family to join PLP and attend a May Day forum. In a later conversation, this worker discussed his ideas and feelings about the labor situation. Most workers are influenced by wrong ideas against their class. But through our interactions at the forum and our May Day dinner, he has expressed interest in getting involved and studying our ideas to get to know PLP better.
Red Youth

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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