Racist Capitalism Killed Ramarley Graham
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 2:58PM

BRONX, NY, February 2 — Three hundred people gathered outside the house of Ramarley Graham, the 18-year-old black youth who was murdered by the NYPD when they broke into his house one year ago.  The cops had no warrant and Ramarley had no gun.
Various politicians including city comptroller John Liu who is running for mayor spoke at the memorial rally.  They all tried to steer the masses into believing that electing better politicians and legislating more laws was the answer to the harassment that black and Latino youth face on a daily basis. 
However, as we left the house and marched towards the police precinct chants such as, “We don’t need those police, those racist police” rang out.   It is not just a few bad apples but the entire system that has to go. CHALLENGEs were sold and a PL flyer was distributed which explained that the role of the police is to protect the capitalist class’s profits stolen from the poverty and racist unemployment of black and Latino youth.  Justice for Ramarley Graham and all of the other victims of capitalism will only be achieved when we join together and revolt against capitalism and establish communism.
Because PLP has been active in building and sustaining the Ramarley’s Call movement during the last year, a comrade was invited to speak at the last stage of the day’s memorial inside the local church. He related the struggles of workers around the world against unemployment and war and explained how PL believes that capitalism was built on racism and used racism to maintain itself by dividing the working class.  He recounted how striking school bus workers had eagerly received leaflets about the  Ramarley Graham struggle  and understood that Bloomberg and the police were the common enemy. 
The Ramarley’s Call movement has made important steps in uniting several families who lost love ones due to police brutality.  PL members must step up their efforts to convince  these militant anti-racists to ally with communists, not politicians and capitalists. Together, we can challenge the entire system to build a better world devoid of racism and oppression.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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