Anti-Racist Fight vs. Murderous NYC Cops
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 2:15PM

BROOKLYN, September 15 — At the three-month mark of the murder of young Shantel Davis by kkkop Philip Atkins, the family and anti-racist supporters held a procession of twelve continuously-honking vehicles around Flatbush, a mainly black working-class neighborhood. 

Young people stood in car sunroofs, hung out of car windows chanting, raising fists, and waving signs against police murder and brutality. 

The community raised their fists in solidarity; drivers honked and some even joined our protest. We stopped in front of the murderous 67th Precinct, blocking traffic and honking. 

There is great potential in transforming these militant demonstrations and participants into fighters for a communist future.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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