Mexico: Reds Vow to Destroy Capitalism
Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 10:36PM

In early December a group of 30 members and friends of PLP gathered to learn about political economy, and specifically to discuss who produces all wealth and what causes crises. We also discussed the alternatives presented by the Party in Road to Revolution IV.

The majority of participants were youth; nine of them participated in the discussion for the first time. Several workers, members of the Party, presented the topics well, combining the experience of the old with the enthusiasm of the young.

We discussed that our only alternative to this racist, criminal system is to organize ourselves as a working class, as a Party to destroy it. We heard examples of how we workers generate wealth. We also learned that the future capitalism offers is imperialist war for markets and cheap labor. 

We saw a movie that illustrated the concepts of our discussion. The movie showed how the bosses use nationalism and religion as ideological tools to divide workers. Currently, liberal capitalist leaders promote and support large upheavals, like the Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring, to try to resolve their global financial problems and control workers’ anger against their own oppression.

One of the comrades gave examples of the capitalist crisis and described the growing unemployment, the merging of corporations and banks, as moves towards a larger inter imperialist confrontation, which may eventually lead to World War III.

We all recommitted to continue organizing at the grassroots level for a communist revolution.

Mexico Red

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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