PL Salvador School: Fight and Mobilize for Communism
Friday, January 20, 2012 at 4:57PM

EL SALVADOR — In our November communist school here, many comrades participated in the political discussion about the reality workers this country and the rest of the world live in. We must destroy the brutal capitalist domination to have social equality. PL’s politics have motivated many young people. About 26 have participated with us in each school.

We must fight against the electoral parties of this capitalist machine. This dead-end strategy is used by the bosses to alienate us and to make us believe that their “democracy” works for the working class. As members of the Party, we have made the commitment to spread CHALLENGE widely, as a revolutionary weapon, to politicize and make our co-workers and neighbors aware. We have communist ideas, perseverance and the will to win workers to PLP.

Mobilize the Masses

Our young comrades from different parts of the country have developed a strong ideological ability and understanding of PL’s ideas. The main subject of this school was how to mobilize the masses for communism. It is clear that communist revolution is the only way to defeat and destroy capitalism; therefore, this must be the only goal of the revolutionary process. The participation of each one of the comrades was interesting. We discussed our friends’ understanding of the Party’s line, related to the ideological-political work with their communities.

Other subjects we debated were the way the revolutionary struggle in El Salvador has been betrayed by the FMLN, and the way to rescue the contributions of the Paris commune, the Russian Revolution, and the Chinese Revolution. We highlighted the mistakes made in those revolutions in erecting a new bourgeois class and ignoring the fact that the masses could have led the battle towards communism.

We analyzed the role of CHALLENGE, which must always spread the Party’s ideas. We focused the discussion on how to use the paper to recruit and how to increase its circulation among our base.

Each of the participants has agreed to spread our communist ideas. We are working on strengthening the communication between our members from different areas of the country with the international Party. This will help us fight capitalism until we destroy the capitalist class, and its armed power.                  

It’s worth mentioning that at this event, most of the comrades participating were young women and men, with a high level of revolutionary consciousness, with clarity on the steps to take and with an immediate objective of building a consciousness in the exploited class.  Our main objective is to conquer power by establishing a communist system on an international scale.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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