Mexico : PLP’s Internationalism Antidote to Bosses’ Nationalism
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 10:32PM

MEXICO CITY, September 12 — Comrades from NY and LA who joined the Summer Project in Mexico showed Party members and friends here the international character of PLP. They contributed with their knowledge and experience in the class struggle, and we saw how similar workers’ struggles are worldwide. This helped show our friends the failure of the capitalist system, even in the U.S., which is supposed to be the most technologically advanced and has one of the highest concentrations of capital.

PLP fights to develop a non-electoral world party that defends the workers, organizes struggles to learn how to overthrow capitalism, and spreads the understanding of the need to build a communist society.

Internationalism creates great fraternity, trust, and love for the working class. This explains our comrades’ taking a leave from jobs and families to participate with us. In just a few hours there was great camaraderie amongst the summer project participants; we talked, shared, laughed, and planned the next day’s activities. It was especially motivating to know that we workers are capable of acting for our own class under capitalism. Under communism it will be that much greater, since we will smash the bosses’ ideas of racism, sexism and nationalism that divide us. 

Internationalism Opposes Nationalism

Nationalism is used to divide workers. It tricks us with the line that we belong to one nation and that it belongs to us, rather than to the bosses. Therefore we must defend it from the “foreign” enemy, the invader who tries to “steal our wealth” or the immigrant “who takes our jobs.” But in reality, the majority of workers do not own a home, or a piece of land, or have a job they can survive on. Using this two-edged ideology, of patriotism and fear the bosses and their army send the youth to kill other workers in their wars to defend their monopolies and wealth.  Nationalism brings with it a huge dose of racism used at the bosses and politicians’ convenience. 

PLP is international because capitalism envelops the world. This system exploits all workers, and only worldwide working-class unity and class struggle will we be able to defeat it. Only then will we be able to build communism, a society without money, racism, or classes.

This Project was very important because it showed the level of international development within the Party. It also helped us to see our weaknesses as a collective, locally.  We discovered the potential and commitment of our members. We have to keep organizing Summer Projects in Mexico. The exchange and experience enriched us. It will train us to continue developing our politics and give us the opportunity of living a little of the life that workers will have in the future. We experienced that which we are fighting for, the unity of the workers of the world. One class, one party!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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