Organize the Jobless to Fight Racist Unemployment 
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 9:39PM

NEW YORK CITY, December 6 — “I think it’s not fair to U.S. workers how they send jobs out of the country,” said Lisa as a group of workers were talking about unemployment. “But that’s what they always do,” responded Jenny. “It’s the way the system works. That’s how the capitalists make profits all over the world.”
“Some people are lazy, they expect free help,” said Jaime. “But there’s no assistance. It’s welfare to work,” explained Nelson. “Everyone is looking for work and there are no jobs.” “I work 12 hours a day, six days a week in a restaurant. When I demanded overtime the boss said OK, work 40 hours here and look for a second job,” said Juan. “Or stay here, work your 60 hours and get the money you need for your family.”
“There are no legal protections, only class struggle,” responded Jenny.
The capitalists and their politician servants are debating the economic crisis in terms of government spending, tax cuts, rising healthcare costs and “costly entitlements” like Social Security and Medicare. Their debate results in a massive attack on the working class while covering up the cause of the economic crisis.
The working class needs to listen to Jenny. The crisis comes from the anarchy and competition of the capitalist system. Only revolution to establish communism — a system that produces based on need, not profit — offers the world’s working class a future.
U.S. unemployment is “officially” about 10% but including under-employment it’s 21%; double that for black and Latino workers. Over 8 million jobs have been lost in this Great Recession in the U.S. The ruling class predicts “recovery” to take 4-5 years. Their so-called recovery (“normal” is 6 million jobless) will be based on a greatly expanded military, increased military production, and much greater exploitation. It also means deep cuts in federal, state and city spending as U.S. imperialism gears up for bigger wars against its competitors.
The workers quoted above are involved in efforts to establish a jobs committee in the neighborhood group where we organize and study. Workers in the group have voted to set up a committee with nine members and new leadership. We are writing a ‘’join us” leaflet to use in the group and surrounding community.
Organize the Unemployed
Our goal is to get at least 50 participants to begin the campaign. The leaflet says: “Demand jobs now. Make the bosses and bankers pay. No deals, no compromises. Demand the government provide assistance to all unemployed and underemployed workers, no matter their status — citizen, documented or undocumented. Make the rich pay. No negotiations.”
Our approach calls on rank-and-file workers to join, lead and go on the political offensive in direct action. Meanwhile the neighborhood group represents the liberal ruling class agenda of legislative reform, voting and engaging and getting support from the politicians. Limited reforms are presented as victories for the workers, while in reality the quality of life for the working class is being eroded.
PLP is active in the neighborhood group and the jobs committee. We are distributing 75 CHALLENGES, including six networks and have a study-action group. We expect sharp struggle within the group as the political ideas, organizing and protests of the committee develop.
We know that PL members and friends must be determined and principled. There is both danger and opportunity. The struggle is worth every ounce of our strength!

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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