Philly Bosses Are the Real ‘Flash Mobsters’
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 3:31PM
Lead Editor

PHILADELPHIA, March 29 — Communists in PLP want a world where our children are collectively nurtured regardless of the color of their skin. Racism is not human nature, but is a creation of capitalism. Racism allows the bosses to make billions in extra profits by paying lower wages to black and Latino workers, dragging down the wages of all workers. Communist revolution will get rid of the capitalist profit system that must use racism.

If that sounds like a far-fetched dream then surely the Nazi-like attacks on black working-class children in Philadelphia can show us how much that “dream” is needed.

Racist banking and real estate policies have caused housing in segregated black working-class areas to degrade until they look like a war zone. Those areas are stripped of food markets, movie theaters and safe and clean playgrounds. Black children in those areas are sent to the worst schools and then the police beat up and arrest those children when they venture out to the city areas supposedly designated for tourists and commerce.

Sounds like South African apartheid, but it’s right here in Philadelphia!

There have been four instances here since December of young black students gathering to meet their friends and see what’s going on. They use their phones and the internet to pass the word about possible happenings, then arrive and mill around looking for something fun or exciting.  The gatherings are called  flash mobs because word is quickly spread through Twitter or Facebook or mass texting. This way things are announced very quickly, in a “flash.”

There have been a few minor outbreaks of violence as the throngs congregated, but nothing to warrant calling out battalions of cops and helicopters.  However, in a city oppressed by financial collapse, foreclosures, stock gyrations and tax declines, the bosses who rule the city are worried that these gatherings of young black students will “scare” away the suburban middle class and harm city tourism.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, the main voice of the local ruling class, warned, “Visitors from the
suburbs will surely think twice before coming into Philadelphia for dinner, to shop, spend the
night in a hotel, visit a museum, or attend a live show. The same goes for tourists from other
states making travel plans this spring or summer. Not to mention organizations planning
conventions.” (Philadelphia Inquirer 3/23/10)

On March 24th, Philadelphia’s black mayor, Michael Nutter, held a press conference flanked by 36 uniformed cops plus his Police Commissioner!   His intended message to Philadelphia’s ruling class: “Don’t be alarmed.  Our tourism income is safe from rampaging black children!”  Twenty- eight of the arrested children were charged this week with felony riot and were thrown in jail.

The mother of one jailed youth was herself arrested for protesting her son’s jail sentence. “Lock me up,” Theresa Guyton demanded. ‘That’s my baby,’ she yelled …The defendant’s attorney told the judge that the family has been in and out of homeless shelters and that the teen often has to care for his younger siblings. ‘That’s the problem. That’s why you are here,’ the judge said to the weeping teen. ‘Your mother thinks of you as the man of the house…’” (Philadelphia Daily News 3/24/10)

Does this sound like racist scapegoating?  It should!  That judge and the capitalist system he represents are the REAL problem. The capitalists are the real mobsters destroying things!

Capitalism has left Philadelphia with few jobs and high unemployment (officially 10.6%). Slashed state and federal assistance has led to crumbling schools and infrastructure, declining population, severe poverty and nightly murders in the streets. The bosses’ response is to blame young black people who have few alternatives to the spontaneous get-togethers.

Decades ago the struggles against U.S. and South African racism involved and inspired millions. But because those fights did not have the ultimate goal of overthrowing capitalism for a classless society, racism continues to be murderous. We must respond to this racist attack on black working-class youth on our jobs, in our unions, communities, churches and schools. But this time our fight must have the goal of eliminating racism by overthrowing capitalism with communist revolution. 

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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