Wall Street Big Shots Run Doctors Without Borders  
Friday, February 5, 2010 at 2:44PM
Lead Editor

• Doctors Without Borders (DWB) Chairman (and Exxon Mobil and JP MorganChase heir) Richard Rockefeller, M.D. heads the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the main bankroller of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) think-tank. Rockefeller’s CFR has helped guide every U.S. military invasion since World War II — massacring millions in Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan while training death squads in Latin America.

• DWB board member Robert van Zwieten toils for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). U.S.-dominated ADB provides the main funding for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project, a chief objective of Obama’s deadly Afghan surge.

• DWB board member Elizabeth Beshel is global treasurer of Goldman Sachs, which, while it doles out multi-million-dollar bonuses to its officers, serves Obama’s job-destroying regime as an unofficial Treasury Department aide.

• Victoria Bjorklund, also on DWB’s board, is a partner at Wall Street law firm Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett. In a typical deal, Simpson greased a $2-billion loan from JP Morgan to Shell Oil and the Saudi national oil company, both major beneficiaries of U.S. war-making in Iraq, Pakistan and now Yemen.

• Partners in Health (PIH) is another relief operation in Haiti that betrays sincere activists. It is the founded and funded creation of Harvard University which functions as the U.S. rulers’ leading ideology factory. Imperialist blueblood James Houghton, director at Exxon and JP Morgan, leads Harvard’s governing body. In liberal guise, the university’s Kennedy School fine-tunes government schemes for wars abroad and police crackdowns at home.

PL’ers must work in these bosses’ “aid” organizations and win the many honest people within them to understand that while they are already making very positive contributions to the working class, the ruling class wants to use these groups to further their imperialist interests.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (http://www.plparchive.org/).
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