PL’s Ideas Catching On: Airport Cleaners Vote Strike vs. Bosses’ Racism  
Friday, February 5, 2010 at 2:42PM
Lead Editor

MID-WEST AIRPORT, February 1 — At the packed SEIU union hall, metro area and airport cleaners voted unanimously to strike against the racist bosses. The metro area cleaners are preparing  to fight against unfair labor practices, contract give-backs and racism. Meanwhile,  janitors in a downtown office building filed two formal complaints  against the cleaning bosses for blatant racism. New black cleaners are forced to wear different uniforms from the Latino cleaners at $2.50 less pay!

This racist super-exploitation is designed to increase the bosses’ profits and maintain a racially-divided work-force. But this divide-and-conquer attempt failed — all the black, Latino, white and Asian immigrants and citizens voted not to clean one single building until our demands are met.

At the airport, the cleaning bosses distributed a letter, implying that we would lose our jobs if we strike against them. The union steward immediately informed airport cleaners that this is just a fascist scare tactic; the bosses know the airport is crucial to the success of the metro area strike.

Greetings To Immigrant Strikers In France

Meanwhile, the airport workers sent a letter of international solidarity to the striking immigrant workers in France. We explained [in both English and French] that their situation is similar to undocumented Latino immigrants here who are targets of racist immigration raids in the U.S., and that all workers must fight racism globally. We also sent them a package of CHALLENGES .

 We have  a study group of airport workers to discuss CHALLENGE articles and PLP’s revolutionary ideas. We are struggling with these workers to distribute the paper. The Party must grow to enable the international working class to destroy capitalism with communist revolution. 

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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