Rockefellers’ Oily Hands In Haitian ‘Relief’  
Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 4:00PM
Lead Editor

The private U.S. relief groups at work in Haiti are channeling sincere compassion towards imperialist goals. The U.S. arm of Doctors Without Borders, which the media keeps trumpeting as a worthy recipient of donations for Haitian aid, is headed by Richard Rockefeller, MD, another crown prince of U.S. imperialism. His father David, heir to the vast Standard Oil fortune (now Exxon Mobil, Chevron, and BP), ran both Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) think-tank.

In David’s heyday, the CFR drafted blueprints for President Kennedy’s, Johnson’s and Nixon’s genocide in Vietnam and provided “geniuses” like the Bundys and Kissinger to execute it. Today “altruistic” Dr. Richard chairs the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the CFR’s main bankroller.

The CFR, with help from its mouthpiece at the New York Times, cooked up the “Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction” lie “justifying” Bush’s 2003 Iraq invasion. This has since led to Exxon’s partially-successful seizure of Iraqi oilfields at the expense of a million Iraqi deaths. “Healer” Richard’s CFR contributed mightily to crafting the Bush-Obama killing surges in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Article originally appeared on The Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party (
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